Special Occasion Gift Labels

$5.95 for 16

Sticker Size: 1.9"x 2.5"

16 stickers per sheet on quality gloss paper. Never buy a birthday card again! Use our gift stickers and save money on all those birthday parties your kids go to. Stick your personalized label on the gift and you're set!

Special Occasion Gift Labels has a rating of 4.5 stars based on 6 reviews.
YOUR STORE NAME Special Occasion Gift Labels

$5.95 for 16

Sticker Size: 1.9"x 2.5"

16 stickers per sheet on quality gloss paper. Never buy a birthday card again! Use our gift stickers and save money on all those birthday parties your kids go to. Stick your personalized label on the gift and you're set!

Category: CATEGORY_NAME Product #: gs0016 Regular price: $5.95 $$5.95 Available from: YOUR_URL Condition: New In stock! Order now!